Industry News

Ex-cop Larry Smith Treats Parkinson’s With Cannabis
After a 20-year battle with Parkinson’s, Larry has exhausted every conventional method of treatment, every drug, and even brain surgery. Refusing to give up, he seeks alternatives, discovering the untapped benefits of exercise and medical marijuana.

Does Cannabis Successfully Treat ADHD?
In a German clinical study on Cannabis and ADHD conducted between 2012-2014, patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) were given medical cannabis to potentially treat symptoms related to ADHD.

Quick Hit: FABP1 and THC metabolism
A new paper from scientists at Stonybrook University examined the importance of FABPs in the breakdown of THC in the liver. THC normally activates CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors on the cell surface, but it needs to be brought inside the cell to be metabolized.

Quick Hit: CBD Extract for Ulcerative Colitis
CBD has shown promise in a number of gastrointestinal disorders, particularly autoimmune problems like Crohn’s. But a recent clinical trial of CBD may put a damper on hopes for treating ulcerative colitis.

Quick Hit: Cannabis in Hospice Care
A recent survey by pharmacists at the University of Maryland asked palliative care practitioners about their opinions on cannabis use among hospice patients. Over 90% of workers support the use of cannabis, but most physicians did not recommend cannabis to their patients.

Cannabis Dosing and THC/CBD Ratios
CBD is everywhere, and you can find it as a tincture, packed into delicious edibles, loaded into creams and lotions, and so much more.

Report: Potency Of Commercially Marketed CBD Products Often Mislabeled
Independent testing of a random sampling of commercially marketed CBD-infused products finds that their potency is frequently mislabeled, according to a NBC 4 New York I-Team investigative report.

Studies: Cannabis Exposure Not Associated With Changes In Brain Morphology
Cannabis exposure is not associated with significant changes in brain morphology in either older or younger subjects, according to a pair of newly published studies.

Study: More Lenient Marijuana Laws Not Associated With Higher Odds Of Youth Use
Changes in the legal status of marijuana are not associated with an increased likelihood that more adolescents will consume it, according data published in the International Journal of Drug Policy.

Federal: Remove Restrictions on CBD
A bipartisan coalition of legislators has introduced HR 2273 to legalize the therapeutic use of cannabidiol (CBD). Senate companion legislation, S. 1008, is also pending before lawmakers.

House Republicans Say No to Allowing Federal Studies of Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana is now in almost half of the countries, and even a red state has legalized for leisure. Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are clamoring for access to treat the disorder of post-traumatic stress.

How Weed Laws Are Failing the UK: High Society
High Society is a new VICE documentary series about drugs in the UK.

Quick Hit: Racial Disparities in Cannabis Arrests
The push to criminalize cannabis has always revolved around race. As legalization movements gain momentum, it is important to pay back a debt owed to those who were most harmed by the drug war.

Barbara Lee: Why I Introduced The Marijuana Justice Act
Last Thursday, I re-introduced the Marijuana Justice Act, HR 1456, with fellow Bay Area Congressmember Rep. Ro Khanna and Sen. Cory Booker. It’s not the first time I’ve introduced it — but this time around, we introduced the bill with more original co-sponsors than ever before.