
“Education in this industry is paramount to bringing a new brand to market and I am so grateful that I had access to the information that Canan-Certified is offering. It allowed me to be more confident and better serve my customers.”


“Canna-Certified is a great source for education in cannabinoids and breaks everything down so we all can understand it! True facts and information made me understand everything thats happening with hemp on such a great level. Thanks!”


“The information that is in the education platform gave me the opportunity to share CBD with my family and friends, specifically a friend suffering from some serious pain issues. My friend is now using CBD to support her pain and doing great and I continue to share the information I learned.”


“Everyone needs to sign up for the self paced program. The information in the courses will help clear up so many questions and give real understanding of what is happening with CBD and cannabinoids. I am excited to share what i learned and may even look at getting into this new space.”